at Rites


Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27



Afterword to Part Two

Most of the jokes and references in Part Two are pretty self-explanatory, but it's been pointed out that there are a couple of things that might need some explanation for those who haven't actually been to Rites of Spring, or other similar events.

In Episode 18, the fellow Brick recognizes is Jeff Magnus McBride, and the web comic Brick refers to, ArcMage, was one I created for Jeff's web page some years ago. ArcMage was an ongoing story, and for a variety of reasons (mainly lack of funding), we never finished the project - hence Brick's inquiry about when the next chapter is coming out.

In Episode 19, the fellow at the mask booth is me. Besides creating comics, I also make hand sculpted leather masks - you can see examples of these masks at http://maskmaker.com. Like Jeff in the last episode, I dodge Brick's question because I really don't have a good answer - except that if we ever find funding for it, ArcMage will eventually be finished.

There are lots of real people lampooned in RailWalker, and several folks have asked whether the "Clueless Turkey" Brick meets (who thinks the Fire Circle is a nightclub in the woods) is modelled on a specific person. The answer is yes and no: he's several different people, an amalgam of the various less clueful guys I've met at the fire. And, yes, I'm sorry gentlemen, these lamers are usually guys, not women.

One final bit of explanation: in the last episode of Part Two, the Clueless Turkey accuses Brick of being "one of those anal EDC-types". EDC is the acronym for Earth Drum Council, a Massachusetts based drum and dance organization http://www.earthdrum.com/. EDC members turn up at many fire circles, and they are well known for advocating the creation of safe sacred space and respectful, self-responsible behavior at the fire. Some people like our CT friend, do see this attitude as anal and controlling. Well, too friggin' bad. As my friend Jimi once said to a particularly offensive jerk: "This is my church. Would you want me to come into your church and behave like that?"

  Text & Images ©1999-2002 Duncan Eagleson